Veriteknik Continues to Grow from The Hague

12 juni 2020
Auteur: HSD Foundation

The originally Turkish company Veriteknik opens its European headquarters in the city of Peace and Justice. Veriteknik is a Managed Service Provider - a service provider for external ICT management - active in the areas of Cybersecurity and Fintech. The company has a strong IT team and offers Data Center services, Consultancy and Application programming at network level.


The Veriteknik team is trained and certified in Amazon Web Services Development and Solution Architecture. Veriteknik's clientele includes manufacturers and suppliers in the area of ​​Point of Sales technology, digital money systems, electronic certificates and e-commerce websites. In addition to the existing data center activities in Amsterdam and presence in Ankara, Bursa, Izmir and Istanbul, the company is opting for further expansion on the European market from the court city. The international climate and the proximity of the security cluster The Hague Security Delta will contribute to this. In addition, the Netherlands is centrally located in the financial triangle of Frankfurt, London and Paris. Despite some corona delays, Veriteknik started this year with a European quartermaster and there are expected to be at least 4 colleagues in the coming years.


Veriteknik was supported by InnovationQuarter and the Netherlands Foreign Investments Agency at the office in The Hague. The Hague is an attractive location for cybersecurity companies that want to enter the Dutch or European market. Read more about the appeal of the city to these companies here.


“InnovationQuarter is happy with the arrival of Veriteknik. It is an asset to the region and strengthens the Cybersecurity cluster in The Hague ”- Chris van Voorden, Director Foreign Investments & Internationalisation.


Murat Kasar, Manager EMEA: “Veriteknik wants to grow in Europe with a focus on Cybersecurity, Fintech and Amazon Web Services Development Consulting. South Holland offers the international environment we need."


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