Report Trends in Security 2015 Launched

13 mei 2015
Auteur: HSD Foundation

The Dutch are pretty self-reliant in the digital society. Two third of the Dutch are well informed about the dangers of internet usage like cybercrime, viruses, spam or phishing. The chance to become a victim of cybercrime is perceived as big. That is why almost nine out of ten (89%) Dutchmen want the government to become more active in combatting cybercrime. This is shown by research of HSD partner Capgemini performed by TNS NIPO and is published in the fifth edition of the report: Trends in Security 2015: Digital services in the security domain.


For the fifth year in a row the report Trends in Security signals the most important trends in the field of public policy and security. It is evident that in the last years our society has become more and more digitised and that this brings along expectations of the Dutch citizens.


On May 12, the first copy was presented to Bas Eenhoorn, Head of the National Commissioner Digital Government. Click here to read more about the report in Dutch.