ICT Security Business Day

07 juli 2014
08:30u - 18:00u
NCIA, H2020 and EDA

HSD Partners get a discount if they want to attend at this event.

Do you know how to make the difference between a good call proposal and a successful one?

The European Security Round Table provides you with an exclusive seminar giving you the information you need about business opportunities with the NATO Communications & Information Agency (NCIA), ICT security funding opportunities in the European Commission and procurement processes with the European Defence Agency (EDA).

You will get strategic input & feedbacks on:
•          Available Funding Instruments
•          Upcoming Calls
•          Project Evaluation Criteria
•          Concrete Guidelines and Practical Materials
•          Get to Know Points of Contact, Experts, Evaluators

Register & learn which business opportunities exist for you, how procurement procedures work and strengthen your network with relevant political stakeholders, practitioners and other participants.

Includes a Specific Session for SMEs!