Dutch co-conference on Research Integration and Implementation

10 september 2013 - 11 september 2013
The Centre for Innovation at the Leiden University campus in The Hague
Centre for Innovation - Leiden University Campus Den Haag

The Centre for Innovation at the Leiden University campus in The Hague will host a co-conference on Tuesday September 10 and Wednesday September 11, 2013.

Thematic focus on peace & security and sustainability

The Dutch co-conference is designed as an integral part of the First Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation, featuring world-class plenary speakers spanning inter- and transdisciplinary research, systems thinking, complexity science, implementation science, project management, collaboration and team science. The program also provides a platform for academics to discuss current trends, lessons learnt and the future of research integration and implementation.

The Dutch program offers its own plenaries on research integration and implementation in three conference tracks:

  1. Concepts and Methods: Taking Stock, Trends and Challenges
  2. Thematic Focus 1: Peace and Security 
  3. Thematic Focus 2: Sustainability

Participation and registration

The co-conference can host a maximum of 50 participants. Priority access will be given to participants who will actively contribute to the co-conference by submitting a digital poster, being a plenary speaker, being a discussant, or volunteering as a digital poster tour guide. Registrants are asked to write a brief statement on their interest in this conference and how their expertise or experience can contribute to lively conference discussion and debate. You can register at: http://www.aanmelder.nl/i2s_dutch_co-conference/.

Conference fee

  • Registration fee €150,-
  • The registration fee includes the fee for online participation in the First Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation and gives you access to all digital posters and related web-based conference facilities. (In other words you do not need to register separately for the First Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation.)
  • Preliminary program

  • The program of events in The Hague can be found at: http://www.aanmelder.nl/i2s_dutch_co-conference/part_program (last updated 12 July 2013)
  • You can also download the program of online events plus events in The Hague (84KB PDF) (last updated 12 July 2013)
  • Contact information

    The Dutch co-conference of the First Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation is an initiative of Femke Merkx (Kenniscocreatie, onderzoek & advies, http://www.kenniscocreatie.nl) and the Centre for Innovation, Leiden University, Campus The Hague (http://www.centre4innovation.org/). For more information, please contact: