HSD Office Activities Concerning COVID-19 Pandemic

16 Apr 2020
Author: HSD Foundation

The Corona limitations also affect the work of the HSD Office. On the one hand, we are not able to execute several planned activities from our annual plan. For example, international visits to the HSD Campus, outgoing trade missions and physical events. On the other hand, there are new activities HSD Office is involved in, for example:


  • At the request of GHOR Haaglanden, Hollands-Midden and ROAZ West, HSD Office together with HSD partner Crisisplan has developed scenarios for the healthcare sector and the associated decision-making framework and criteria for upscaling and downscaling.


  • HSD Office participates in the steering committee of the 'Tech against Corona' initiative. Within this project Dutch tech companies support governments, hospitals, care providers and health workers with their knowledge, skills and technologies, for free. 


  • We communicate about and connect use cases and partners to the 'Resilience Right Now' initiative. Concrete COVID-19 related problems are brought and triple helix organisations are working on solutions for the problem during mini-hackathons.



  • Instead of physical events and meetings we try to organise them digitally. For example, our HSD Cafés. 

  • We have created an overview of the projects, calls and initiatives of our partners to find solutions and support for our healthcare and government in times of the COVID-19 pandemic.


More info about HSD Corona measures.